Number of dice:                     Five: each player must have his own cup

Ante:                                       Ten Units

Object of game:                    To outguess the other players


All players roll at once, “closed”, and each looks at his own dice. NOTE: aces are “wild” in the main game.

The starter now guesses aloud that there are at least so many of a certain number on the dice under the cups. Specifically, he might say �Five fours�.

The next player now has to guess something higher, which might be �Five fives� or �Six twos� & same number of a higher face-value, or a larger number of the same or a lower face-value.

And so on around the table, until a player thinks the call passed to him is unreasonable. He then says �Dudo� (which in Spanish simply means �I doubt�). All the cups are then lifted and. the player who was challenged counts aloud the number actually showing of the face-value he called, including the wild aces in the count.

For instance, he might have said “Eleven fours”. If there are actually eleven, or more, of them, then the challenger loses a life. On the other hand if there are less than eleven, then the challenge is sustained and the caller loses a life.

The loser after each round starts the game again, unless he is out for good (see below), in which case the player on his left starts,

Usually each player has two “lives” (see under Jargon).

When a player loses his second life, a special rule comes into effect. Everyone rolls �closed� as usual, but the player concerned now starts a count of how many aces there are under the cups (nothing wild for this special round). The idea is that he can guess a number low enough not to be challenged, but high enough that the total will be challenged before it comes back around the table to him. After this reprieve the game goes back to normal, and players who have had this chance drop out of the game if they lose another challenge.

Thus players are eliminated one by one until the game ends with a subtle duel.


Elimination of players is objectionable, as in Singapore and Liars’ Dice. However, the higher stakes of Dudo and the excitement of the final duel tend to hold the interest of the players forced out.